On the Record is a scripted comedy series with a docu-reality twist. Following the global success of the highly-esteemed reality format, Connected, which established the self-filmed revolution decades before the “selfie”, the camera is back in full effect and taking visual storytelling to the next level.
The 4th most-watched cable television broadcast in Israel, On the Record delicately blends parodic comedy and touching drama in a prime example of melting-genre television – combining reality, drama and documentary to create a groundbreaking new format.
This satirical docu-comedy explores the cinematic language and unparalleled editing behind the Connected format to create a compelling product of authenticity and parody in which six fictional characters (acted by three comedians) document their lives on camera, covering everything from hysterical situations and daily conflict to intimate monologues and personal discoveries.
A milestone for television filmmaking, On the Record joins together two forces – inserting well-known comedians with their knack for improv into the hands of the well-experienced and creative minds behind Connected, resulting in a docu-drama-parody that, as twisted as it may seem, is just twisted enough to work.